We Created 100+ Hampers For SCCYC Food Aid!

For us, Christmas is all about giving back, so this year, our team took the opportunity to create over 100 hampers to support those in need. Our hampers were donated to the fantastic Northampton-based organisation, the SCCYC, to help with their food aid appeal.

Giving Back To The Local Community!

At Bhangals Construction Consultants, we are always looking for new ways to support our local community. We know that, while Christmas is filled with joy, for many, it can be an incredibly tough time of year, both emotionally and financially. If putting together hampers can help take off just some of this pressure, we’d be thrilled to help!

To create the hampers, our team kindly donated thousands of items out of their own pockets to allow us to make up more than 100 packs. The hampers featured both essentials and luxuries, ranging from pasta, cereal, juice and toiletries to chocolates and mince pies. We also popped in colouring books and puzzles as an extra gift for the festive period.

Team Packing Hampers

We Were Thrilled To Support The SCCYC

The SCCYC (Sikh Community Centre & Youth Club) is a Northamptonshire based organisation established to improve the quality of life for the local community. Their support services, training programmes and more continue to help over 1000 people, providing them with the resources they need to shape their own lives.

If you would like to know more information about SCCYC, their objectives and services, head over to their website. Alternatively, they also have a Local Giving page set up where you can donate directly to their current appeals.